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Confucius Institute

China is the greatest existential threat that the United States currently faces. Through military, governmental, and financial fronts, the authoritarian Chinese government seeks to supplant the United States as the world’s sole superpower. None of their tactics may be more perfidious than the placement of Confucius Institutes on campuses across the country. Currently, Confucius Institutes operate at American universities, high schools, and even elementary schools, serving as focal points of China’s espionage against our country. China has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to indoctrinate students with state-sponsored, communist propaganda, matched by university funds that are enabled by your hard-earned tax dollars.

James Barber

John Donahue

Michael Hill

Jennifer Stevenson

Steve Kuel

Jeremy Martin

Teresa V. Longo

Xingwei Miao

Kai Xiao

Paul J. Wahlbeck

Professor Watchlist is a project of Turning Point USA, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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