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Franklin & Marshall College

Lancaster, PA

Quincy Amoah

Stephanie McNulty

Maria Elena Aldea Agudo

Erik Anderson

Christine Chalifoux

Zohra Ansari-Thomas

Jaime Blair

Tim Bechtel

Susan Dicklitch-Nelson

Bridget Guarasci

Shari Goldberg

Abby M. Schrader

Joshua Rottman

Nicholas Montemarano

Van Gosse

Peter Fields

Barbara E. Nimershiem

Clara S. Moore

Jeremy Moss

Leanne M. Roncolato

Nadra Hebouche

Hollie L. Tripp

Firuzeh Shokooh Valle

Elspeth M. Wilson

Professor Watchlist is a project of Turning Point USA, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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